Friday, February 29, 2008

Tested and Now Testifying!

On that Bed!
In gloom and tears I sat on my bed, knowing not what to do but thinking so hard and wishing I could turn back the clock! I didnt have any hope or anyone to turn to because no indicator around me showed there was a way through.
After several trials in all places for a couple of years, Joy and Peace finally became my possession when I found out and got enrolled in an International Sponsorship Program. I can now stand on my own, support my family and enjoy a christian life because I have been equipped to by this Program.

Testimony enough!
In my interactions with children who have been supported by Compassion International, such stories are told and how I beat and blame myself for not being there before they shed those many tears, before they got to that point of hopelessness! We can make a difference in many of the children's by reaching out to them, I urge you. I recommend it, Sponsor-a-child
Food for Thought!
Mathew 9:36 - 37
When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."


Anonymous said...

It is also my testimony that the ministry of Compassion (or more acurately, God through His Compassion ministry) has spiritually blessed me beyond anything I deserve.

Praise be to God.

LindaSue said...

Bless you Dennis - you are fulfilling the role of being a godly man - God's man - what a great example. Those of us who may never know you personally can hope to shake your hand in heaven someday! We are blessed to be Compassion sponsors -thank you for putting a face and heart to the role we knew someone was playing in Compassions' ministry.