National Park Experiences...
In September 2008, pacing through Murchison Falls National Park, the Park Guide explained that most of the palm trees are planted by Elephants. "Wow, hold it", was my expressed until he explained the whole process (Elephants go around chewing palms like human beings do walk around chewing gum on streets. Elephants litter the seeds wherever and finally the seeds spring up. Before everybody knows it we have palm trees all the place)
Names of Places...
Am moving around Kasese Streets (South Western Uganda) looking out for hotels, we came across several restaurants and hotels named after great American, Australia and European cities (StarBucks, MacDonalds) but nothing close to Culture, Coffee or foods could be found in these places. What got my ribs really hurting because I couldnt stop laughing was my encounter with Uganda London Bridge (small trench culvert,see photo),call it anything but am thinking it was appropriate name isn't it?
God's Lessons...
With every trip that I embarked on, my first prayer point would be can you please teach me something on this escapade my Lord and King. Need to mention,you have the opportunity of learning lots while travelling. As you travel you will do realise, you have more ample time to think and or rethink through lots of your personal areas of life. God in response, will reveal to you so much about the plans He has install for you. Next time you are traveling, top of your packing list should a pen and book, Remember Habakkuk 2:2-3
Dennis, it is so great to hear from you. I love learning about Uganda. And it is even better learning it from a native! Miss you. H
Lets hope the bridge doesn't fall down like in the childrens song
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