Sunday, May 18, 2008

Smart Leaders

I have been digging into the secrets behind good leadership and my digging escapades have got my shelf covered with Books that atleast have the word Leader in their Title. In depth length and in a more persuading manner am convinced beyond doubt we are all leaders wherever we are not neccessarily because there are numerous people we lead but because "exert" influence in one way or the other. What then makes you a smart leader? It is definite that most peole will follow good and smart leader because they can be trusted and for anything the follower has confidence the leader has answers.

Exercise intergrity [truthfulness and honesty], Demonstrate understanding when dealing with otherm this makes you approachable, Practice good management skills - excellent planning, coordination, & good communication, Act or Behave responsibly. Good leaders are always learning and making effort to improve leadership Skills. There are several aspects that need sharpening in each individual to acquire a mature level of leadership, intergrity is primary in all.

My trek to being a Smart Leader continues

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