Children's Sunday...
I watched in awe as the children led the adults in the entirety of the 3 services from 7-9am, 9-11am and 11-1pm last Sunday at Church. Angellic sounds echoed in the air as the children led in the praise and worship sessions. As I continued to watch the little ones praise their Creator, my mind quickly transited them into adults. Indeed God has a purpose for all, I imagined what great leaders they are going to be and all. Indeed God has ordained on the mouth of the children Praise.
Surprisingly many of my church mates didn't know it was mothers day on 11th May 2008, mothers alongside their spouses were shocked when the Pastors joined by the children again cheered up in a Happy Mothers Day chorus. To all mothers, happy belated Mother day!
Psalm 8:2...
From the lips of children and infants, you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.
1 comment:
Dennis, It's Heather Whittaker, first let me ask you why am I not on your blog roll?
Second I wanted to email you but do not have your email. will you email me at
I have a friend who will be working at the Passion Event there this month and I am going to send some things down with her for Compassion. I can go into more details in the email but I wanted to see if you think you might be able to meet her. Email me so we can talk. Hope you are well. H
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